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HR Virginia’s 2025 Annual Conference will be April 13 – 16, 2025 in Virginia Beach!

HR Virginia Awarded for Elevating Human Resources, Improving Workplaces
SHRM recently awarded HR Virginia its prestigious Excel Platinum Award for the state council’s accomplishments in 2023.
The Excel award is given to state councils and chapters to recognize major accomplishments, strategic activities, and tactical initiatives that elevate the profession of human resources.
“SHRM’s impact on the world of work is due to the dedication and efforts of our chapters and state councils like HR Virginia. “The Platinum Excel Award is not only a celebration of the great work done by HR Virginia—it’s also recognition of their focus and determination to cause the effect to make great workplaces”, said Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, president, and chief executive officer of SHRM. “Their HR leadership is exemplary.”
SHRM and HRCI Certification
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Announcing SHRM’s Forward@Work initiative:
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HR Virginia is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.