5 Hidden Factors that are Effecting your Recruiting and Retention Efforts

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Date(s) - 08/15/2019
11:30 am

Holiday Inn Christiansburg


Matt Engle started his leadership journey in the military where he served as a Military Police Team Leader in the Army National Guard for six years. In addition to this role, Matt led several unit-wide training and development initiatives and engaged in military recruitment efforts.

For six years, Matt served his community as a law enforcement officer. He was a K9 handler and field trainer where he trained and evaluated officers transitioning from the academy into patrol functions. In addition to this, Matt participated in recruiting initiatives, conducted background investigations, interviewed candidates, and made recommendations for hiring.

Matt transitioned from law enforcement to full-time consulting. As an enrollment management consultant for a private college, Matt handled recruiting efforts and sourcing of candidates for programs within the college. He was able to generate over $50 million in leads during a short period of time.

The average turnover rate for organizations is currently hovering at 25%.  It’s estimated that more than 77% of that rate could be prevented by employers.  As we frantically work to walk new employees in our front door some of our best talent is walking out the back one.  The challenge most companies are facing is how to attract talent and retain them.

In this interactive experience we’ll discuss the 5 hidden factors that are effecting your recruiting and retention efforts and ways to take immediate action to address them.

Attendees will learn:

  • The 5 hidden factors and how they are affecting your organization’s ability to attract and retain the highest level talent possible (hint, it’s not what you pay them)
  • Proven practices that help you conquer each one
  • Why the factors are hidden and ways to find them in the future

Learning objectives include the ability of attendees to identify the effect of company brand in their job postings, recruitment  and interviewing processes that repel candidates instead of attract them, why salary is what people say made them choose someone else over your organization, but not the real reason they chose someone else, and which aspects of onboarding create lasting impacts that improve long term retention.

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