Value Xchange presented by EmpiRx Health: Reimagining Value

Date(s) - 04/20/2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Categories No Categories
Value Xchange presented by EmpiRx Health: Reimagining Value
April 20, 2-4pm ET
Register for this virtual event today:
Please join us Tuesday, April 20th from 2-4pm ET for Value Xchange, EmpiRx Health’s inaugural thought leadership event, designed to reimagine value for employers and employees everywhere. Together, with industry luminaries, we’ll explore what matters most – today & beyond.
During Value Xchange, you will…
Learn how to recreate value in your organization by building a corporate culture where essential, meaningful work is the norm.
Discover how to reimagine value in healthcare based on a hyper-personalized approach.
Understand how to reclaim value for your team as a leader and advocate for more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces.
Speakers include:
Karthik Ganesh
CEO – EmpiRx Health
“Redefine Value / Meet EmpiRx Health”
Lisa Bodell
Founder/CEO – FutureThink
“Recreate Value / Killing Complexity”
Panel Discussion
Industry Experts to be Announced
“Reimagine Value in Healthcare”
Omar Johnson
Former CMO – Beats by Dre
“Reclaim Value / Diversity, Equity & Inclusion”
Register today at