HR Vision 20/20: Leading HR into the Future

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Date(s) - 05/15/2019
7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Holiday Inn


Join Dulles SHRM for a full day of programming intended to cover the LEADERSHIP side of HR. Find out how leadership can help you and your HR department prepare for 2020 and beyond.

Program Highlights:

Defining Leadership with Bob Oberleitner

Envisioning and Developing Your Leadership Brand with Rianne Rome

Courage to Lead with Rebecca Bratton

Trust, Risk & Influence: Focusing on what Every HR Professional Needs to Know with Cate Gregory

A Happy Workforce for 20/20 and Beyond with Gina Weatherup

Leading with Data with Andrew Jennings

There will be a networking happy hour following the seminar!

Chapter Resources

Best Places to Work in Virginia

The Best Places to Work in Virginia is a survey and awards program dedicated to identifying and recognizing the areas best employers and providing organizations with value employee feedback.

Best Places to Work in Virginia
2025 HR Virginia Annual Conference Registration is Now Open
04/13/2025 - 04/16/2025