Microsoft Outlook Balance and Productivity Optimization

Date(s) - 06/10/2021
11:45 am - 1:00 pm
11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. via Zoom
Non-Members: $20
(You must login to register.)
HRCI and SHRM recertification credits pending.
Did you have any of the following New Year’s resolutions?
- Be more productive.
- Get my to-do list in order.
- Feel like I am controlling my email instead of it controlling me.
- Finding time to live my best life.
If you use Microsoft Outlook (the installed PC version) and want to crush any of these resolutions in the year ahead, then check out our Informer Video for a brief preview of what to expect from Focus to Evolve’s Microsoft Outlook Balance and Productivity Optimization training session.
The first half of the training will focus on metaskills and give the reasons for why we at Focus to Evolve teach the methods we do in Outlook. The second half of the training is full of methodology and live step-by-step demonstrations of Outlook setting changes and instruction on how to use Outlook as the advanced personal productivity tool it was designed to be.
Our minimum target is to literally double meaningful output in the same number of hours spent in order to create more time for work/life balance.
Tana Mann Easton is the Lead Efficiency Engineer at Focus to Evolve.
Tana grew up in the charming small town of Mondovi, Wisconsin and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. She moved to New York City for 6 years after college and spread her wings by extensively exploring that amazing city, using it as a home base to see the world, and getting her first real adult job. She worked as a Senior Private Client Coordinator at the financial firm AB Bernstein for 14 years. During that time, she met many wonderful people and received a first rate education in customer service, professional etiquette, and organization skills.
Tana became so efficient and enjoyed learning how to be productive so much that she joined Focus to Evolve in May 2020 to teach others the cheat codes that she’s learned from her life and from other great teachers. Focus to Evolve teaches people how to optimize their email and task systems and other organization and efficiency methods to live life by design instead of by default. Tana currently lives in Medina, Ohio with her husband and son and loves being a professional guide who leads people in the direction of balance.